Walking In Faith

Why Should I Care About Jesus?

Organic Faith - Free book by Chaille Brindley

Have you ever stopped to ask the question, "Why Am I Here?" Most people have pondered this heavy topic at one time in their life. Answers vary depending on your background and beliefs. Atheists deny the validity of the question. They believe we exist due to evolution. Thus, we have no set purpose. We live and then die as part of the natural order. Those who believe in God, offer other explanations. Some believe that humans are generally good beings; we exist to do good works and live a happy life. Others believe in a god or many gods that demand our obedience to rules and practice of rituals. Some spend their time meditating, trying to reach a higher state of consciousness or a higher place in life through reincarnation. Many others try not to think about god or spiritual issues at all. They just want to make a ton of money and live a luxurious lifestyle.

All of the world views described above are void of real life. Each one is just as ridiculous as any of the others. Although these theories may make sense for a short time, in the long run they leave a person empty and hungry for the truth. The aim of life can be found in the Bible. The apostle Paul hit the center of the mark when he wrote these words in Philippians 3:8 & 9. "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish [dung], that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith."

Paul identifies knowing Jesus as the greatest thing a person can do in this life. According to the King James version of the Bible, everything else is dung by comparison. In Philippians 3:14-20, Paul writes about pressing on toward the prize and seeing beyond the here and now. The prize has nothing to do with wealth, intellect, religious practices, good works, fame, health or any other common pursuits of this world. Most people spend their entire lives trying to store up what they believe is treasure when it really is just a pile of dung. For the greatest joy in this life is to know God and be transformed by the process. Those who draw near to God are not left the same; they develop godly characteristics including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self control.

Mankind struggles with the concept of knowing God because we cannot fully understand God. Our finite minds short circuit when it comes to understanding the deep mysteries of God. Some things must be accepted on faith, which does not mean turning off your mind. Faith simply requires setting aside our pride, biases and plans to allow God to do His thing. All people sin from time to time. None of us are righteousness enough on our own to be able to stand before a holy, perfect God. Although God is merciful, he is also just and holy. The debt for our sin (death) had to be paid before we could be spared. Salvation from sin only comes through Jesus who took the punishment of the world on His shoulders. Because of Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection, man can stand before God and have an intimate relationship with the Creator of the universe. Just let that concept sink in for a moment.

Who is going to pay for your sin? It's either going to be you or Jesus. Faith requires boldness and courage. Trusting God is not for the faint of heart. If you want the non-stop adventure of a lifetime, surrender your life to God and see what happens. You will never be the same.

If you do not know the joy of being in a deep relationship with God through Jesus Christ, you are missing out on the very purpose of life. God wants to forgive you and restore your soul. Open your life to God. Accept the free gift of salvation from sin offered to you by God. Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the Father (God) except through Him. I encourage you to stop and receive Christ's sacrifice for your sin. If you have any questions about how to receive God's grace for your sin, please find a Christian friend or minister. Feel free to even contact me at . I would love to have the opportunity to talk with you.

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