Walking In Faith

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Bible Resources, Meditations
& Prophetic Writings

Bible Studies

Count the Cost - Three week Bible study course designed to prepare high school and college youth for ministry. This study is perfect for summer mission trip preparation or student leader training. Focusing on the cost to follow and live for Christ, this study covers foundational basics such as authentic worship, Christian love, sincere repentance, rock solid faith, the fear of the Lord, eternal hope, and perseverance through hard times. This interactive study will challenge participants to delve deeper into intimacy with Christ and experience His transforming power.

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Count the Cost "For Kids" - Following similar topics and themes as the teen/young adult version, this course presents the material in way that is easy for younger kids and pre-teens to understand. Each mission goes beyond just Bible study, giving the participant opportunities to interact with God and others through prayer, creative projects and service.

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General Ministry Resources

No Don't Leave Us- Responding to a minister leaving a church can be a difficult thing for many people. This resource indentifies issues and strategies for dealing with sudden ministry voids and congregational concerns.

Pastoral Search Guidelines- Knowing what to look for when searching for a new pastor can be a difficult thing. You know the right candidate when he see the person. This resource covers questions you should ask and things you should look for to find the right fit for your church.

Rethinking Submission- Basic document covering Biblical principles for authority and submission in the home, church and society. This information will help you develop a more Biblically-based understanding of authority and how best to respond to it.

Life After Missions- Handout to give mission or ministry team members after a powerful experience. Some people report a sense of depression or a spiritual low after they return back to their "normal" life. The suggestions in this handout can help your team members avoid the ministry letdown.

GroupThink - Small group leader pitfalls, ideas, tips and insights. Learn some proven strategies about how to effectively lead small groups and Bible studies.

Becoming the King of Person Who Has Something to Say - Observations and notes about a teaching by Rob Bell on how to grow as a Christian leader and teacher. Bell specifically talks about how to engage the culture for Christ.

WordnLife - Review of top Christian resources and Web sites. Includes links to Bible study and devotional resources. A detailed list of preaching, teaching and sermon resources. Use these sites and resources to improve your spiritual walk with Jesus.

Youth Ministry Resources

Youth Ministry Manifesto: Transforming Youth & Families in the 21st Century - If you are looking for a practical roadmap for turning youth into disciples of Jesus, this manifesto identifies many of the realities, goals and transformation steps that you will need to tackle. This document by no means holds all the answers. But it will assist you in asking the right questions.

Rites of Passage Celebrations- Tips and ideas for developing meaningful experiences that help mark the transition from childhood to manhood. These ideas will help youth leaders and parents develop Biblically-based rite of passage events for senior high young men.

My Image His Image- Many students struggle through a process of self discovery. For some people, this can result in a personal identity crisis. God offers answers to these key questions of life. This Bible study focuses on the need to see ourselves through God's Word and His imprint on our lives. It walks the reader through a process of discovering his/her identity in Christ. It is an ideal resource for a student struggling with his or her faith and identity as a Christian.

Video Vision Hunt- Directions and ideas for leading your youth group through a video scavenger hunt contest. This fun activity can lead to great witnessing opportunities as well as challenge your youth to see God in the everyday things and situations of life. The video hunt is designed to push your youth group to think and dig deep from their own personal experiences.


The Sign of Jonah: Indepth look at the book of Jonah- Follow this prophet as he struggles with God's call to reach out to his enemies. Jonah seems to break all the rules of evangelism, yet God uses Him to spark one of the greatest revivals recorded in the Bible. Is your life a sign to those around you? Learn what it means to become a sign by taking a fresh look at the life of a reluctant missionary prophet.

Sign of Jonah (PDF Version)
Sign of Jonah (Word Document)

God Is Not Reasonable & Neither Are His Values - Meditation on the reason of men as contrasted against God's reason. It explores how our worldview shapes how we look at the world and our sense of reason.

God Is Not Reasonable Meditation

Broken By Design - Delve into the spiritual issues behind modern church architecture. If you want a greater understand of what it means to be the Church or are considering a church building construction project, read this meditation. Find out if the modern Church is living up to code.

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Pulpit Life - Discover seven keys to prosper as a pastor and how to avoid the ministry drain. If you feel like being a pastor is sucking the life right out of you, this meditation will point you to the new and living way.

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Seduced by Sin - This meditation will change the way you look at sin. Comparing all sin to spiritual adultery, this meditation illustrates how serious sin is to God. Sin causes division between man and God, which breaks His heart. By exploring sins enticing nature, this meditation reveals the path to deliverance and victory over sin.

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Silence the Noise - A short meditation on seeking God through the distractions and noise of life. If you are struggling to hear the voice of God, maybe you should read this brief piece describing how you can quiet yourself before God and tune out the world.

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