Walking In Faith

Organic Faith - A Revival Call
A Revival Call to a Disillusioned Church
One Young Christian's Journey to Greater Intimacy with God

By Chaille Brindley

Organic Faith - Free book by Chaille Brindley

The Holy Spirit inspired me to write Organic Faith as a way to make it through my personal identity crisis as a young Christian man. Having been raised in the modern Church, I felt surrounded by a sea of contradictions and questions. The more I examined myself and modern Christianity, the more disgusted I became.

Organic Faith shows my progression from a disillusioned Christian to a more mature believer walking in faith and focusing on a deeper walk with Christ.

Download the PDF version of the book or order a copy using the convenient online form. It's absolutely FREE!

Featured Resource

Rites of Passage Celebrations - Tips and ideas for developing meaningful experiences that help mark the transition from childhood to manhood. These ideas will help youth leaders and parents develop Biblically-based rite of passage events for teenage young men.

Download Rites of Passage Handout

GroupThink - Small group leader pitfalls, ideas, tips and insights. Learn some proven strategies about how to effectively lead small groups and Bible studies.

Download GroupThink Handout

Becoming the Kind of Person Who Has Something to Say - Chaille's notes and observations from a teaching by Rob Bell at the 2004 National Youth Workers Conference. Rob taught for eight hours on a variety of topics that are relevant to ministering in today's cultural context. Bell is the teaching pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church in Michigan and the producer of the Nooma video series.

Download Rob Bell teaching review

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